
ThisFacebookMessengerextensionaddsabuttontothebrowser,whichopensanewwindowwhenclicked.Inthiswindowyou'llseeallyourmessages,andcan ...,FacebookMessengerforChromeisanappthatletsyouchatwithfriendsandaccessfeaturesoftheofficialmessagingsystemwithoutusingFacebook.,Hangoutanytime,anywhere—Messengermakesiteasyandfuntostayclosetoyourfavoritepeople....Facebook.Messenger·Features·DesktopApp·Privacy&...

Facebook Messenger for Chrome

This Facebook Messenger extension adds a button to the browser, which opens a new window when clicked. In this window you'll see all your messages, and can ...

Facebook Messenger for Chrome

Facebook Messenger for Chrome is an app that lets you chat with friends and access features of the official messaging system without using Facebook.


Hang out anytime, anywhere—Messenger makes it easy and fun to stay close to your favorite people. ... Facebook. Messenger · Features · Desktop App · Privacy & ...


Be together whenever, with our free* all-in-one communication app, complete with unlimited text, voice, video calling and group video chat features.


我們免費的*多功能通訊應用程式具有無限制的簡訊、語音、視訊通話和群組視訊聊天功能,讓用戶能隨時隨地輕鬆聯繫。 隱私設定新的隱私設定可讓您選擇可以與您聯繫的 ...


2023年12月16日 — 如題平常點messenger連結的時候都會用messenger app開啟網站變成沒辦法同時看訊息又看連結要改成chrome還要再按用chrome 開啟板上大大知道怎麼設定讓 ...

Password Lock for Messenger™

2024年1月22日 — It's important to note that to use this extension, you must have a Facebook account. Please be aware that Password Lock for Messenger™ is not ...

Web FB Messenger

Access to WhatsApp Web and all the mainstream messengers via Chrome toolbar. Skype, Twitter, Telegram, Line etc. WhatsApp Desktop app The WhatsApp Desktop app ...


為了確保您擁有最佳的使用體驗,我們建議使用以下任一種瀏覽器的最新版本:. Google Chrome. Mozilla Firefox. Safari. Microsoft Edge. 這是否有幫助?

如何透過Google Chrome 或Firefox 開啟Facebook 推播通知?

如何透過Google Chrome 或Firefox 開啟Facebook 推播通知? 這似乎並不適用於Android 應用程式. 下方連結提供其他應用程式與瀏覽器的相關指示。 電腦版使用說明 · 行動版 ...